Tuesday, December 30, 2008

NJ rules against religious freedom

Here we go! Many of us saw this coming - and it doesn't bode well for ANY church! A Methodist church in New Jersey refused to rent out a church-owned beach front pavilion to a same-sex couple for their wedding, based, of course, on the fact that their beliefs do not support same sex marriage. Of course, again, they were sued. And lost, in the first round, but it isn't over. Read the article here.
This is classic right of religious freedom against - what? Civil rights??? For a group of people whose claim of "I was born this way - I have no choice" has NEVER been conclusively scientifically proven? (see this blog) What exactly is it that justifies their claim to special rights? We can't just sit back and watch one of our country's most basic freedoms, freedom of religion, be washed away in the tide of baseless claims of intolerance and violation of gay rights.
My hope is that as this matter works its way up the legal ladder, truth and logic will prevail.

Lawyers (and everyone else): Leave your morals at the door!

The State Bar of Arizona is considering whether to require new attorneys to swear they will not let their views on sexual orientation get in the way of providing legal services.

This is already happening in CA. I have a friend who is a lawyer and a judge. I was speaking to his wife during the Prop. 8 campaign, and she said, "You won't believe this, but if Prop. 8 doesn't pass, Roger (named changed to protect the innocent) will have to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies!" When he got the job as a judge, he had to swear not to allow his own moral beliefs to intrude on his ability to judge the law. This includes all judges' duties, performing marriages being just one. I asked my friend what her husband would do, and she said that he would just have to swallow hard and perform the same-sex marriage. Or risk losing his job. There is no option of trading it off to another judge with more liberal views. Either he does something he doesn't believe in, or he gets fired.
This raises the question: what is more acceptable? Compromising the law on moral grounds, or compromising personal morals on legal grounds?

To me, it is totally ridiculous that this question even needs to be asked! This is the direction that our country is heading in - good men and women must make a choice between keeping their jobs, or standing for what they believe is right. Free country? Freedom of speech? Not in the law profession! The miscarriage of justice lies NOT in requiring judges to place rule of law above everything else...it is in requiring them to perform duties that they don't believe in without the option of referring that case to another lawyer. Which brings to mind the case of the infertility doctor whose personal beliefs made her opt out of helping a same sex couple get pregnant. She referred them to another doctor. Seems like a logical thing to do. But she was sued for it and lost. see this article. If the opposition gets their way, here's what you can expect: Leave your moral beliefs at the door when you walk into work every day! Required by law!

The Arizona State Bar will make their decision in January.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Support Prop. 8 Supporters

We have all heard stories about donors to the Yes on 8 Campaign who have been targeted by the LGBT community. Several people have been forced out of jobs, and businesses are suffering. This is unacceptable! We outnumber the opposition, and amazing things happen when we all stand together for a cause. This website provides a list of all contributors of $5,000+ to the Yes on 8 Campaign (the so-called "dishonor Roll"). As well, they have a blog in which they organize and promote retaliatory boycotts, protests, and general harassment of Yes donors. (as an aside, I've read that blog, and the information they use to get their followers frothing at the mouth and ready to attack is grossly inaccurate. Lots of lying going on at californiansagainsthate.com!) The best (and only) way to respond to this group is to support our supporters. Check out that list, find people in your area who donated, and patronize their businesses (and tell your friends)! This is a free country and every citizen has every right to support whatever political cause they believe is just. NO ONE should have to lose their job or have a business fail because they donated money to a cause they believe in! Prop. 8 would never have passed without these donors. I, for one, feel indebted to them! I look forward to crossing the protest line and supporting Prop. 8 businesses.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

CA Attorney General Jerry Brown now fighting against Prop. 8

So Jerry Brown filed a legal brief saying that Prop. 8 is unconstitutional. (see article here) Frankly, I am not surprised in the slightest. He has been openly vocal about his personal feelings about Prop. 8 from the beginning. He voted against it. So where is the shock in this? Well, because the state Attorney General's job description is to legally defend the voice of the people.
"Brown's decision to challenge the voter-approved measure and the argument advanced by the attorney general was totally unprecedented. His legal duty as attorney general of the state is to defend initiatives passed by the voters." Seems to me that Jerry Brown isn't doing his job. And he has been making noises about running for CA state Governor (again)? Good luck with that one!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Obama infuriates the gay community

In a surprise move that infuriated the gay community, President-elect Barack Obama chose Rick Warren to give the invocation at his inauguration (read article here). Rick Warren is the Pastor of Saddleback Christian Church in Southern CA, and was openly supportive of Prop. 8. Interesting, that Obama chose a pro-Prop. 8 evangelical to participate in his inauguration...I support the choice, yet I am watching to see how this plays into the whole political game. I hope that Obama and Warren don't cave!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Yes, Colin, there really is a strong Conservative base!

My eyebrows went up when I read about Colin Powell endorsing Barack Obama just weeks before the election. Way up. But I figured that he was voting along race lines and that was probably to be expected. But this interview made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and join my eyebrows. Powell claims that the Republican party lost the election because it didn't listen or appeal to special groups within the American population. That, in order to win any election, Republicans must make more liberal changes to appeal to these smaller groups...wait, that sounds like a Democrat to me! And to quote Rush Limbaugh (who was rudely marginalized by Powell in this interview), "Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave!"

I think this is a classic case of mistaken, misunderstood data. Powell is under the impression that America is on the move toward a more liberal society, and that the Republican party has to make corresponding changes or risk being voted into oblivion. But he has not even begun to hear enough from us. He isn't taking into consideration that there is a HUGE group of Americans who support traditional family values - oppose abortion, gay marriage, illegal immigration, and Big Government, who support the right to own and bear arms, support Capitalism, in short, promote conservativism - who have not been very outspoken in past. Most of us have been too busy raising upstanding children and working to support them without turning to government welfare. The time has come to speak up, friends, a lot louder than ever before. We need to remind Washington that we are out here, stimulating the economy, talking to our friends and co-workers, and voting! Traditionally, the Republican party has represented conservative values...and I would hate to see it continue liberalizing itself just to appeal to what the politicians mistakenly think is popular. What party would represent us then?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

If you support traditional families, this new website is for you!

What started out as a small group of people in S. CA, fighting to get Prop. 8 passed, has turned into a huge grass-roots effort to further family values all over the US. I am proud to say that I was one of the early members of DNA (Digital Network Army), and as such, I spent hours on Facebook, U-tube and various blogs and websites all over the web leaving comments and writing articles and letters to the editor, during the months leading up to Election Day. I went from being a mild-mannered (well, some might protest that...) stay-at-home soccer mom to a political activist, determined to make my voice heard. Well, Prop. 8 passed, but we all know what happened next. The fight isn't over yet. The need for our DNA is greater now than ever before!

Now DNA has started a website and gone global! This is a great step in this effort and I applaud the individuals behind the scenes. This is an effort to get the word out to the religious right, and like-valued lefties too! Very exciting. Please check it out here.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Newsweek trashes Bible in support of Gay Marriage

This now out from Newsweek. Maybe Ms. Miller is on her way out?

I got this email and as I did my research, I was appalled. For a group of people who don't believe in God, the Bible, or organized religion, the GLBT community sure is determined to excuse their lifestyle any way they can. They did a pretty pathetic job of it here. Miller is supposed to be a religion writer, but the only time I have ever heard the scriptures being twisted worse was here. She doesn't seem to have much theological knowledge going for her.

"Newsweek magazine has published a lengthy article stating that the Bible supports homosexual marriage. The article was written Lisa Miller, Newsweek religion editor.
Miller's article is one of the most biased and distorted pieces concerning homosexual marriage ever published by any major news organization. The article is much too long for this e-mail.
Dr. Albert Mohler has offered a response to the Newsweek article. I suggest you read Mohler’s article and then Miller's Newsweek article.
Mohler made a significant point in his response: "The national news media are collectively embarrassed by the passage of Proposition 8 in California. Gay rights activists are publicly calling on the mainstream media to offer support for gay marriage, arguing that the media let them down in November. It appears that Newsweek intends to do its part to press for same-sex marriage. Many observers believe that the main obstacle to this agenda is a resolute opposition grounded in Christian conviction. Newsweek clearly intends to reduce that opposition."

If that is the case, then this is just the beginning. Get on those websites and get commenting, friends!

Day Without a Gay

The following is quoted from the Day Without a Gay website...

"The worldwide media attention surrounding our massive grassweb efforts for gay rights has been tremendous. Join the Impact was a HUGE success and will continue to thrive because of our efforts.
We've reacted to anti-gay ballot initiatives in California, Arizona Florida, and Arkansas with anger, with resolve, and with courage. NOW, it's time to show America and the world how we love.
Gay people and our allies are compassionate, sensitive, caring, mobilized, and programmed for success. A day without gays would be tragic because it would be a day without love. (Really?)
On December 10, 2008 the gay community will take a historic stance against hatred by donating love to a variety of different causes. On December 10, you are encouraged not to call in sick to work. You are encouraged to call in "gay"--and donate your time to service!"

Well, I guess we can be glad that they aren't "reacting with anger, resolve and courage" anymore. All of this, because they want to redefine one little word. Why they insist on calling it "h8" - I STILL don't get it. No one is taking away any of their actual rights! They can still love whomever they choose. They can still (in the state of CA) adopt children, file joint taxes, get insurance coverage for a domestic partner, work, shop, and live in any community they choose. How does defining "marriage" as between a man and a woman change their lives? How does that take any rights away? How does it show hate?

It is like my 4 year old daughter, who didn't get the cookie that she wanted yesterday. She yelled, "that's not fair!" and "you don't love me!" and she sat on the stairs and pouted. But she could have had a different cookie - it just wasn't the exact one she wanted. That is the problem with people who play the "fairness" card - they would only be satisfied if they got exactly what they wanted, and whether it is fair to anyone else matters little or not at all. This is how I see these militant gays. They are like little children who aren't getting what they want (total acceptance and celebration of their lifestyle), so they cry "Unfair!"

Reality: Life isn't fair. You don't always get your way. Deal with it.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Gay Bible set for publication and film

This is taking it too far. Now they are rewriting the Bible and committing blasphemy in the worst way. Check out this link. And then they call it the "Princess Diana Bible"- because Princess Diana did so much good in the world when she was alive...

"There are many different versions of the Bible; I don't see why we can't have one," said Max Mitchell, who directed the science fiction comedy Horror in the Wind, in which an airborne formula invented by two biogeneticists reverses the world's sexual orientation. "I got the idea for the Princess Diana Bible from Horror In The Wind," he added. "After the world becomes gay, religious people create The Princess Diana Bible, which says that gay is right and straight is a sin. Then they burn all the King James Bibles."

There are so many things wrong with this that I am not sure where to start. And I feel for Princess Diana! Wonder how this is legal, for them to use her name in such a horrible way, after her death...

Well, why not...they change the definition of words (gay, queer) and are fighting with all they are worth to change the definition of marriage, we shouldn't be surprised that they are now taking a sacred book of scripture and turning it into an abomination.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sarah Palin, still on fire.

Senator Saxby (love that name) Chambliss, Republican of Georgia, just won his bid for US Senate. During his campaign, he had all the Republican bigwigs campaigning for him in hopes of getting another Republican in the Senate...here's what he had to say about this:
“You want to peak on the last day, and we had John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Governor [Mitt] Romney and Rudy Giuliani. But Sarah Palin came in on the last day and man, she was dynamite. We packed the houses everywhere we went.”

Kilmeade asked, “You saw all the heavyweights in the Republican Party show up . . . tell me about Sarah Palin. Will her popularity last?”

“I cannot see it diminishing," the senator answered. “I can’t overstate the impact she had down here. All these folks did a great job, they all allowed us to add momentum, but when she walks in a room, folks just explode. She’s a dynamic lady, a great administrator, and I think she’s got a great future in the Republican Party.”
Link to this interview

This blogger hopes so! And congrats, Saxby, on your win!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Homosexual agenda to take away YOUR right to free speech

National Review Online posted this article, which very articulately states the direction the homosexual agenda is heading in their effort to not only overturn Prop. 8, but also to force EVERYONE to not only accept their way of life, but celebrate it. Knowledge is power, folks. We cannot allow them to take away our First Amendment rights. Please send this article to everyone that you know - let's get the word out and get the religious right educated on what is REALLY going on! I for one do not intend to let this happen to my free country and my conservative beliefs without a fight.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I just don't trust a man who would rather work out than attend church.

What has supposed Christian President-Elect Obama been doing since the election? Well, he hasn't attended church once.
Wow, he's really a righteous dude.

Homosexual activists sue Christian based business into submission!

Many of you have heard about the eHarmony fiasco. If you haven't, check out the story here:

The homosexual activists have gone beyond claiming the need for inclusion, in this case they actually forced a company to form a new service that they weren't built to provide, namely date matching services for same sex couples. This is a Christian company that was targeted by the opposition because it stood for good, wholesome things. It supported long term, stable relationships in order to foster stable marriages and families.

This represents a giant new step for the opposition, it represents a total infringement on the rights of businesses to conduct their business model the way they see fit.

Who is next?

Monday, November 17, 2008

In answer to those who say that same sex couples have no rights in CA:

In my place of business, we deal with medical insurance on a daily basis. We work with patients and insurance companies to ensure that the best care possible can be achieved with the most insurance coverage possible. Last month, we had two interesting situations arise.

We had an unmarried heterosexual couple that had been cohabitating for 8 years. This would qualify as a domestic partnership (common law marriage). The female tried to get insurance coverage through the male's insurance, but was repeatedly denied.

The other situation involved a same sex couple who had cohabitated for 1 year, but had registered with the state as a same-sex domestic partnership. One partner was trying to get insurance coverage through the other's insurance. Without question, the partner was accepted and given full coverage.

Who had more rights here? And WHY are they complaining about inequality?

Just wondering...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Poll - take a moment to click

Are Mormons being unfairly targeted? Click here to vote.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Words from the Coalition leader

November 12, 2008

Statement of Ron Prentice, Chairman, ProtectMarriage.com – Yes on 8

“In last Tuesday’s election, the people of California placed the traditional definition of marriage into the state Constitution. This victory would not have been possible without the support of our 70,000 contributors and over 100,000 dedicated volunteers. It was accomplished with the strong participation of about 80% of California voters, or nearly 14 million people participating in this expression of the People’s will. It is the same process that resulted in the historic election of Barack Obama as President of the United States – with about the same percentage of the national vote as received by Proposition 8 in California.

“Since Proposition 8’s victory, a series of protests against churches, small businesses and individual supporters of traditional marriage have taken place in cities across the state. Tragically, some opponents of Prop. 8 who claim to cherish tolerance and civil rights are unabashedly trampling on the rights of others. Protests and boycotts have taken place against a Hispanic restaurant owner in Los Angeles, African American religious leaders in the Bay Area, and a musical theater director in Sacramento, among many others.

“As a diverse group representing many cultural backgrounds, our coalition stands together in solidarity with those whose property and rights are being attacked for the simple act of supporting traditional marriage. No matter your opinion of Proposition 8, we should all agree that it is wrong to intimidate and harass churches, businesses and individuals for participating in the democratic process. We call on our governmental leaders to urge all citizens to respect the rights of everyone to express their views on marriage without fear of reprisal and recrimination.

“ProtectMarriage.com also wants you to know that a strong legal defense of Proposition 8 is being prepared. We anticipated that Prop 8’s passage would result in advocates of same-sex marriage turning to the courts to attempt to overturn the People’s affirmation of traditional marriage as a societal good. We will be announcing our legal strategy next week, but rest assured that we will vigorously defend the People’s will to enshrine traditional marriage in the state Constitution.

“We are extremely grateful to the 5.7 million voters who stood up to support traditional marriage, and to all those who gave generously of their time and resources to protect the institution of marriage. We look forward to continuing to work with you to protect marriage in California and ensure that the People’s vote is respected.”

Amen to that!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here's one for OUR side!

It's good to find out that there is a legal team fighting for parental and religious rights. Check this out!

Monday, November 10, 2008

What went wrong for the GOP?

My husband and I agree that the biggest problem for McCain and Palin was the George W. Bush administration. It is hard to believe that after 8 years of leading the country (6 of which included a republican senate majority), we are now stuck with an even bigger government and a national debt in the trillions. To me, the basics that the republican party stand for are less government and conservative spending. Sarah Palin agrees (see Politico.com):

Palin pointed a finger at the Bush administration for souring the GOP brand, adding that it was “amazing” that the McCain campaign did as well as it did.

“I think the Republican ticket represented too much of the status quo, too much of what had gone on in these last eight years, that Americans were kind of shaking their heads like going, wait a minute, how did we run up a $10 trillion debt in a Republican administration? How have there been blunders with war strategy under a Republican administration?” Palin said.

“If we’re talking change, we want to get far away from what it was that the present administration represented, and that is to a great degree what the Republican Party at the time had been representing. So people desiring change, I think, went as far from the administration that is presently seated as they could. It's amazing that we did as well as we did.”

Well, I'm no prognosticator, but I would be willing to bet that the Obama administration will not diminish the size of our government, in fact, he will increase it. And we all know what to expect with the spending...

So this bodes well for 2012, right?

Oh, it's good to know we're not alone!

With all the anti-Mormon protests and threats of violence (a classmate of my daughter's at Moorpark High School called her all kinds of obscene names and threatened to burn our house down) both here in CA and in Salt Lake City, it is good to get some positive reinforcement for all the work we put in to get Prop. 8 passed. It seems like the negative stuff gets all the press...but this blog made me smile! The two men who write Article 6 blog, John and Lowell, are right on! I highly recommend their blog. I hope that MANY of our brothers and sisters in the religious right read that blog too!

Friday, November 7, 2008

What now?

Weell, pretty much the only thing I voted for that won was Prop. 8. And unlike these sore losers, I accept the will of the people and will try to make the best with what I've got. Although I am worried about Obama's redistribution of wealth and how that will affect taxes, and his health care plan that seems much more like socialized medicine than anything else; I do respect the office of the President of the United States enough to wish him well and pray for him daily. Frankly, I feel sorry for Obama. He is starting out his term with nothing short of a disaster on his hands. Job rates down, economy a mess, crime increasing, and on the national front, Russia is raising its ugly head once again...and that isn't even taking the Islamic terrorists into consideration. Obama made many promises during his campaign...I hope he will be able to fix SOMETHING, because the natives are restless!

How will the results of this election change my day to day life? Well, I got into the habit of expressing my opinion pretty freely while campaigning for Prop. 8, and I don't see that changing. The world we live in is calling for some voices from the religious right, which is a community that has typically avoided confrontation and ruffling of feathers. I encourage my fellow Evangelical conservatives to continue to speak your minds. We have seen what we can do in the passing of Prop. 8...now is NOT the time to slip back into that world of meekness and silence. Take an active role in your communities - and if you can, get involved in local government or school boards. If we are to protect what we worked so hard for, we will need to be active in defending it daily. (I know, I know...just when you thought it was over...)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Prop. 8 passed!
After hundreds of hours of walking my neighborhood, phone-calling, commenting on YouTube videos, blogging, writing letters to the editors of 6 major newspapers and magazines, sign waving, counting votes at the polling center, displaying and protecting yard signs, fasting, praying, and blood, sweat, and tears....the voters have spoken, and marriage regained it's rightful definition - between a man and a woman only. Frankly, I feel jubilant. I feel justified and vindicated. I feel like a huge weight is off my shoulders and I can finally relax...for awhile.
We were told by Coalition leaders that grass-roots campaigns can effect the vote by a 6% margin. Prop. 8 is passed on a 4% margin. I think we can safely say that our efforts have passed this Proposition. We were told that there has NEVER, in the history of politics, been such a huge grass-roots effort. WE MADE HISTORY! Look, America, at what you can do! And, may I say (yes, a bit smugly, I admit) Look at what HOUSEWIVES can do!
My heartfelt gratitude goes out to the following:
The voters, who put up with all the phone calls, door knocks, and door hangers and voted YES anyway!
My fellow Yes on 8 Campaign workers - you are an amazing bunch of people and I am honored to be on your team!
My Heavenly Father, who heard and answered fervent prayers.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

No on 8 campaign sinks even lower (if that is even possible)

UPDATE: LDS Church RespondsPut very mildly, but I agree.

is the most incredible piece of religious bigotry I've seen in modern times.

I cannot even begin to express my disgust in the no on 8 campaign and their followers. They will do ANYTHING to win, even commit the same kind of malicious slander that they are supposedly trying to protect themselves from...
I can't believe I share a planet with such people.

Write letters, folks - to CNN, MSNBC: letters@msnbc.com (in the subject line, write "To the Editor") - to protest their airing of this vile video and the religious bigotry it stands for. May it backfire on those people and drive intelligent voters our way!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Aaagh! More of the homosexual agenda in schools...

Only this time, glory be, there is a lawsuit in the works! Check out this story on Fox News.
There should be some kind of major fine for a campaign that blatantly lies like the No on 8 campaign does.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I've been wondering about this...

I have been doing some research on my own to figure out just what the agenda is for the homosexual community to indoctrinate our kids and force their way of life on society at large. I know there is an agenda because I have been calling the Governator's office multiple times to voice my opinions about various bills that have come across his desk. One of these was the bill to force all public schools to celebrate Harvey Milk Day, in commemoration of the man who started homosexual education activism. The bill called for this day to be run similarly to Martin Luther King Day. Thank goodness, Ahnold vetoed it!
A friend and fellow activist emailed this link to me, and I found it VERY INTERESTING. Same-sex attraction activists will deny that there is an agenda, but if you live in CA, you can clearly see that there is. This document points that out with chilling realism. Not only is Prop. 8 a California battle, but it will be a national battle before you know it.
Check it out.

Coming Out Day for Kindergartners in Hayward, CA

This was part of a letter for parents of Kindergartners who participated in Coming Out Day in Hayward CA. Prop. 8 opponents would have us believe that there is no current law that addresses the teaching of same-sex attraction in schools. This is documented proof that they are lying!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I just voted YES on Prop. 8!

And Yes on Prop. 4 (parental notification for abortions - can't believe that is actually up for vote!), and, oh yeah! Yes on Sarah Palin (you go, girl! ;D),and Tony Strickland.
Via Absentee Ballots, my hubby and I sat down and exercised our right to vote tonight. They make those Absentee Ballots kind of difficult, but I read the instruction card 3 times. Since you have to use a blue or black ball-point pen, and we could only find one in the house (I like those gel pens), we shared a pen and had a together moment...awww. We didn't even argue about anything this time! (In the past, we have cancelled out each other's votes, or in one desperate act of rebellion, I actually hid his ballot from him, and then filled it out myself. We were disagreeing on a local measure regarding land development. It took awhile, but he forgave me!) The most important thing, besides making sure to connect the right arrows, is to sign on the back of the envelope. They won't count it if it isn't signed. Then I put way too much postage on it, and tomorrow I will take it to the post office. Simple as that! It feels so great to vote!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What same-sex marriage has done in Massachusetts

Thought you might want to take a look at this, written by a Massachusetts resident.
(Sorry, you'll have to copy and paste in your url window - I can't get it to imbed properly)


This made me sick to my stomach.

Prop. 8 HAS to pass! I know it has been a long battle so far, and is only getting more difficult due to the opposition stepping up their efforts, but we can't give up yet! Now is the time to get out in your neighborhoods and knock doors. I did this over the weekend and had some really great discussions with people in our neighborhood. There are undecided voters out there that we need to reach, and only by knocking on their doors, will we get uninterrupted access. Plus, it is just fun to meet new people - I have been so pleasantly surprised at the number of quiet supporters we have out there!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Response to latest No on 8 Ads

The latest No on 8 ads accuse the Yes on 8 campaign of bald-face lies regarding our children and their indoctrination in CA public schools. They even claim that the message is supported by "California Teachers". They say that our claims of parents losing their right to opt out of homosexual education is a "scare tactic". Well, how do they respond to this?

California School Holds 'Gay Day' for Kindergartners

Parents in Hayward, Calif., were shocked to learn their children were being taught to be "allies" of homosexuals, WorldNetDaily reported.

Faith Ringgold School of Art and Science reportedly did not inform parents of its pro-homosexual activities, which included "Coming Out Day," "Ally Week" and Gay and Lesbian History Month.

Pacific Justice Institute attorneys, who are advising the parents, said the school also is planning to host TransAction Gender-Bender Read-Aloud, an event where students will hear adapted tales such as Jane and the Beanstalk.

Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, said this demonstrates why Californians need to vote "Yes" on Proposition 8, which would define marriage as between one man and one woman.
"Do we need further proof that gay activists will target children as early as possible?" he asked. "Opponents of traditional marriage keep telling us that Prop. 8. has nothing to do with education. In reality, they want to push the gay lifestyle on kindergarteners.

Yes, folks, this is a public school. No, parents were NOT informed of these special homosexual events in their kids Kindergarten classes. I feel some lawsuits coming on!

This is NOT a scare tactic. The indoctrination process is already happening. Parents, reclaim your rights! Vote yes on 8, and let your school administrators know how you feel about this!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Over the past few months, as I have really put myself OUT THERE in defense of traditional marriage and Christian morals, I have been astounded at the amount of maliciousness, hatred, and evil that is directed not only at me personally, but all of Christian conservatives in general. My efforts have always been to educate people about what Prop. 8 really means: NOT an elimination of civil rights for same-sex couples, but simply a final word on the definition of the word "marriage". (see earlier blogs)
When commenting on YouTube videos, my words are always returned with irate ranting, accusations of lies, bigotry and hatred, f-bombs right and left, and personal attacks on my religion and way of life. When commenting on Prop. 8-related articles in major online newspapers, same type of response. When waving Prop. 8 signs on street corners, well, that's when it gets really fun! Hand gestures, more f-bombs, and although I haven't personally been a target of any projectiles, other sign wavers I know have been on the receiving end of rotten eggs, and water bottles.
But one takes the cake.
They somehow got hold of the list of Mormons who donated to the Yes on 8 Campaign, and are now using it to investigate every name on the list. Well, I'm on that list, along with my hometown, zip code, donation amount, and membership status in the LDS Church. Later, in a comment to the post giving instructions on how to do this, one blogger said, "Do anything within legal limits to make these people's lives hell. Probably should leave their kids alone, but get in their faces, in any way you can!"
Why am I not surprised?
Talk about HYPOCRITES!!! For all their talk about love, peace, and tolerance, the opposition has shown their true colors. They are more about hatred, violence and poison than any group I have come up against to date.
My response? BRING IT ON!!! I have nothing to hide, I have faith, and I am not alone.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

CTA Protest Cancelled

It is with disappointment that I inform all my fellow protesters that, due to instructions from our higher-ups, tomorrow's protest is officially cancelled. We don't want to punish local teachers and school districts for the actions of the Union leaders with whom they do not necessarily agree. However, please do encourage your children's teachers and school administrators to communicate to the Union your strong opposition to this misuse of Union dues. More to follow...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Don't underestimate the Housewives!

This is in response to an insulting comment on one of my posts on a particular blog (you know who you are), which said, and I quote: "It makes me ill that a bunch of housewives are sitting around in their homes planning attacks on the civil rights of other human beings."

Let me tell you a little something about housewives. We are the women who went to college and got an education, but chose to stay at home and nurture our kids - to provide that gold-standard upbringing for children. Our children are cared for by people who actually love them, yes, you guessed it, housewives. We are the women who volunteer in the classroom. We are the women who organize huge fundraisers for schools, scout troops, and youth groups. We serve in the PTA. We drive our kids to sporting events, music lessons, playdates. We are the women who are there when our kids get hurt or just need to talk. Our priority is the future. Our goal is to make America and the world better by raising children who are well-adjusted, good citizens, who will stand with courage for all that is good. "The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world". We know this, and accept the challenge readily.

Don't underestimate housewives. When the future of our children is in trouble, then you watch those claws really come out! You think you insulted me by calling me a housewife. Let me tell you, there is no other group of women on earth that I would rather band together with. We are the ones going door to door, gathering support for our causes. We are the ones standing on street corners, waving signs at passing cars. The women registering people to vote? That's us, the housewives. Our votes count just as much as anyone else's does. And we are changing the world one child (or in my case, 4) at a time!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Worried about Parent's Rights in the schools?

Tuesday, Oct. 21, Protesters are staging a sick-out for public school students. This is a STATEWIDE protest that will hit where it hurts, the money that each school receives per student, per day. Let's go, parents!

Whose Side are Teachers Unions on? Follow the money, folks. This is the scariest part about this campaign!

Yesterday's campaign finance report from the No on Proposition 8 campaign is startling.
The California Teacher's Association donated $1 million to the campaign. This is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of dollars already pumped in to the campaign by the CTA in the last few months.

Opponents of Proposition 8 claim that it's all lies when we warn that your children will be indoctrinated about same-sex marriage and homosexuality. They claim that you'll be able to opt your child out of class when same-sex marriage is taught or discussed. But we know that the judiciary is actively promoting the homosexual agenda by their overturning Proposition 22 this year. And case law shows that parents are losing their rights as well.

Wake up, parents. If you are concerned about what your child will be indoctrinated with at school, you have to vote against the "supposed un-biased teacher's union", and vote FOR Proposition 8!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why I support Proposition 8:

1) In 2000, 61% of voters in CA voted for an amendment to be passed that defined marriage as being between one man and one woman. Earlier this year, 4 liberal judges overturned the voice of the people because they interpreted that amendment to be unconstitutional. I don't like the voice of the people being overturned and marginalized like that.
2) In 2005, the California Domestic Partnership Law provided all the same rights that traditional married couples have. These rights include:
• Creating and dissolving registered domestic partnerships
• Community property and financial obligations
• Parental rights and responsibilities
• Public benefits
• Health care and end of life issues
(BTW, I got this information off of a gay/lesbian website)
Prop. 8 does not change ANY of these rights. It merely prevents same-sex couples from calling themselves "married". Same-sex couples are different from heterosexual couples in very obvious ways. They can and should have a different title for their relationships than the traditional word "married".
3) There are far-reaching effects of this definition change. Education is the biggest concern for my family. I reserve the right to teach MY children about moral issues MY way. This definition change will not only allow, it will FORCE public educators to teach all children about same-sex relationships, without the restraint of parental consent. I don't want my children to learn about this from people who don't understand our family's morals and beliefs. That kind of education infringes on my rights as a parent.

I do not hate people with same-sex attraction. I recognize them as a very active part of our society. I do not wish to destroy their rights. Prop. 8 DOES NOT take any rights away. It simply preserves the traditional definition of marriage as between man and woman. It allows parents to address the education of their children on this basic issue. It protects the traditional family.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Prop. 8 Madness

As the weeks wind down in preparation for the Nov. 4 election, our efforts to get Prop. 8 passed are increasing exponentially. Last night Chad and I went to the Moorpark High School Homecoming game and spent about 1 1/2 hours waving "Vote Yes" signs at all the passing cars/pedestrians from the corner of the busiest intersection. We had plans to go to the temple, but when our fearless leaders called us and told me that they had to go to Disneyland last night and wouldn't be able to head up this effort, well, of course we postponed our plans. We had about 22 people show up. Not nearly enough, but workable. We spread out over three different intersections and got busy. I wasn't surprised to get flipped off and yelled at ("No" people are always so very pleasant. And their use of certain very salty cusswords indicates their rudeness and lack of education). In fact, I wouldn't have counted it as a successful evening if we hadn't gotten some good f-bombs. Bring it on!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wright Thinking about Same-Sex Marriage

I do not hate gays and lesbians. I understand that many of them feel that they had no choice in their sexual preferences. I understand that life can be very difficult for someone who is attracted to the same sex. I consider gays and lesbians to be fellow human beings sharing in this life-journey. I feel the same way about gays and lesbians as I do about people who wrestle with drug/alcohol addictions - they were born with some gene that made them more susceptible to certain struggles in life.
However, I do not feel that sexual preference deserves special civil rights. If we start down that road, what is to hold me back from suing for special rights just because I prefer a certain sexual position? I think everyone would agree that would be ridiculous. I do not ask to control the personal intimate choices that people make in the bedroom, but I also do not think those choices merit special civil rights. I will never understand how this personal choice became such a huge POLITICAL issue! But it has, so here we are.
This leads me into the concept of TOLERANCE. If we are to understand the current definition of tolerance, it would be "live and let live, except those who don't support homosexuals - they are bigots and shouldn't have civil rights." To me, tolerance means treating EVERYONE with kindness, not unconditional acceptance. I get to disagree with choices other people make, that's my right. But I don't get to abuse them. And I am not.
Now I am getting to the heart of this issue. You do not find homosexuality in nature. All living beings that desire to reproduce, mate with someone of the opposite sex. The puzzle pieces fit together they way God intended. All living beings live in families. When animals get separated from their family grouping (pride, pack, nest, etc.) then there is a much greater chance of them being picked off by a predator. Animals learn survival skills from parents, siblings, or other relatives. It has been this way for eons of time. It works the same way, but with much greater effectiveness, in human beings. In modern times, there have been countless scientific studies performed that support the claim that children progress in a much healthier way when parents of both sexes are present in their life. In the psychological world, it is well known that if a girl has no strong male figure in her life, she faces a much greater chance of being promiscuous and chancing life-destroying sexually transmitted diseases. Children have a much greater chance of being healthy, happy, and successful when parented by an involved mother and father.
Same-sex marriages take that opportunity away from children. In this modern world, life is hard enough for children who must accept the actions of their parents without any say in it.
As well, the legalization of same-sex marriage has consequences attached. This is not just about giving gays/lesbians the right to have a lovely ceremony and a reception afterward. They can do that now, if they want to. This is about dehumanizing a sacred and historically successful institution. "Party A, do you take Party B to be your lawfully wedded partner..." That's ridiculous. But it has happened in CA already. How can that be good for anyone?
If same-sex marriage is legalized, what will happen to churches, businesses, or individuals who, because of basic moral beliefs, do not want to cater to the homosexual population? Will they be sued into going against their beliefs? Who is being "tolerant" then? Catholic Charities in Boston, Mass. had to close their doors because they were threatened with a lawsuit for not arranging adoptions for same-sex couples. What a shame to have lost an organization that provided so much joy for so many families!
And while we are talking about Massachusetts...the legalization of same-sex marriage in that state has changed family-friendly communities into places of where you can't even visit the beach for fear of having to watch public gay sex.
The law ties the hands of the police - who have tried to arrest the individuals for indecent exposure. Families have had to leave that community completely, to escape the promiscuity that has invaded their beaches.
This is a ripple effect. There are many. Will educators be mandated by law to teach homosexual sex education in the schools? Will churches whose beliefs are opposed to the new law be allowed to preach those teachings?

I respectfully ask you to think about these things as you are considering the issue of same-sex marriage in the United States today.

What I did this weekend...by Laura Wright

On Saturday our family joined about 344 (give or take a few) other people to walk in the Moorpark Country Days parade behind the "Yes on Prop.8" sign. We all bought matching shirts and the kids carried balloons, and gave out pamphlets and candy to parade watchers. I have lived in Moorpark for 6 1/2 years, and I have NEVER, not once, attended Moorpark Country Days. But Prop.8 was enough to get me out there, and to top it all off, IT RAINED!!! We live in a desert, and it rains maybe 10-12 days a year here. Why did it have to rain on that one day? And me in my WHITE prop. 8 shirt?! (I tried using an umbrella but kept poking the people around me with it, so I gave up and just got wet) Anyway, I think we made the statement we were trying for. I heard a city official say, "This is GREAT! Can you all come next year too?" We were an impressive sight! Thanks, everyone who joined in - and thanks to Heather and Nathan Roberts for being the organizers behind this big thing. It was an honor to participate.
I was thrilled to see people of all walks of life (no pun intended) marching in support of Prop. 8. HIspanics, whites, all religions, all races. It was inspiring to see how many people there are who value traditional families! I love this country where we can say what we want and march for what we believe in, and then VOTE!!! Thank goodness for America, and go Prop. 8!

Veep Debate

I got so busy trying to get my taxes together last night (we always file an extension so it is due Oct. 15 instead of April 15, I don't know why) that I almost forgot to watch the debate! But I only missed about 25 minutes of it. Chad called and reminded me.
So here's my take:
Sarah Palin was inspiring at the RNC. Then she had those interviews with Gibson and Couric and I started to feel a little less inspired. Last night, Sarah renewed my enthusiasm. Here's are some undebatable facts about her:

1) Yes, Sarah Palin has no experience with the Washington Machine. Dems would say that is a HUGE shortcoming. I think it is refreshing. Those guys in Washington have messed things up pretty badly so far. Everyone knows that Washington politics involves so much special interest game-playing that even really good people who seem to have integrity end up making questionable decisions. Washington Politics corrupt. I, myself, have wished I could walk into the White House and slap some of these idiots around. Sarah Palin obviously isn't part of that corrupt machine and she has the courage to walk in and do some slapping for me. I would much rather elect a candidate who hasn't already been corrupted. Ronald Reagan got elected as a governor. So did Bill Clinton. Is Arkansas bigger/better/somehow more educational than Alaska? No.
Please, Dems, put that one to rest.

2) Yes, Sarah Palin sidestepped some questions. As long as I have been watching political debates, candidates have been sidestepping questions. EVERYONE does that, even Obama. The protocol of a national debate allows this. Doesn't bother me at all.

3) Yes, Sarah Palin is folksy. She is Everyman. She isn't polished. She isn't perfect. Thank goodness! The McCain/Palin campaign has grabbed on to this and given Sarah the go-ahead to make it part of her image. While she did carry it a bit too far for me last night (dawgonnit?), I still don't mind it. And I think the voters of middle America will agree.

4) Yes, Sarah Palin is hot. In the words of my husband (thank you, Chad). How many males will vote for her just for that?
(Ok, that is kind of chauvinistic, but whatev. I am a realist.)

5) Biden kept harping on how the McCain/Palin ticket will just carry on the same policies that the Bush/Cheney administration has, thereby taking the country deeper into an abyss. This argument is nothing but a scare tactic. Both McCain AND Palin have said time and time again that they are in this to reform, reform, reform. They have acknowledged the "blunders" that this administration have committed. History proves that Palin can do this, look what she did in Alaska! Again, dems, please put that one to rest.

I often find myself voting for a candidate because I have confidence in his/her running mate. This time, no exception. I think Sarah Palin kicked it last night. Go, Sarah, Go!
Posted by Laura at 7:40 AM

It's My Blog, I'll rant if I want to!

There have been a few times in my adult life when, in frustration, I have just wanted to throw the computer out the window. But then my thrifty genes take over quickly and I realize that is just senseless (expensive) destruction. I am referring to the many times that I have read something on the internet and wanted to add my own opinion to the comments at the end (along with many others, who enjoy freedom of speech and the anonymity that the internet provides). Usually, my opinion opposes the majority of the comments and when I see that, it HUGELY increases my desire to post my own two-cents worth. God made me an opinionated woman, and after 37 years, it has only gotten worse.
One frustrating time was when JK Rowling "outed" Dumbledore. I had the habit of visiting a certain website (I will never advertise for them), mainly right before book 7 was released, because it was fun to read the predictions. After the "outing", I went there to see what the reaction was - ohh, it was just peachy. Every one of the commentors thought it was just wonderful! I thought, "No Way! I know there are people out there like me who are disturbed that Rowling did this." But not one negative comment did I see. I tried multiple times to post, and my comments were deleted as fast as I could type them. It literally seemed like a race! Pretty soon, the staffer who ran the website posted, saying that "due to an unbelievable amount of bigoted and racist comments being posted against Rowling and Dumbledore, they were closing the comments section." My comments were not angry in tone or content. Nor were they "bigoted and racist". I am an adult with some sense of propriety, plus, those really contentious posts don't read well anyway. So, after a bit of research (reading profiles of the staffers on that website), I realized that most of them were gay/lesbian. That explained that. But still VERY frustrating, thinking that there is a whole section of society out there, many of them kids, who read that whole thread and got an entirely different impression than what is reality.

Last Friday, I visited the LA Times website to read a great article about Prop. 8. The poor guy who wrote it took a lambasting in the comment section, and it just annoyed me. I tried, yet again, to post comments, time and time again, and not a single one showed up on the thread. It felt like Dumbledore all over again. It feels alot like censorship. And funny how that is such a terrible thing to liberals, yet they seem to practice it all the time. It is one thing, to get that on a website that is personally owned by a group of book fans. But on a widely read newspaper's website, I expected a higher standard. At least the appearance of being unbiased.

I wrote the following letter to the LA Times:
I am concerned with a glaring problem on your website. After reading a particular editorial (the one about Prop. 8), I saw that all the comments were extremely negative. I tried repeatedly to post a comment in response to the editorial and also in response to the amazingly one-sided and insulting comments. Unfortunately, none of my comments were posted. I am wondering why your webmaster seems to have it out for supporters of Prop. 8. This is unfair and in my opinion, a pathetic miscarriage of free speech, to twist the public opinion and make it seem that there are no supporters of Prop. 8 out in the LA area. I cancelled my subscription to the LA Times because of a decidedly leftist slant. My decision was reinforced today. Rest assured that there are many like me out here, I live and work with them every day. Sad that your newspaper cannot appeal to a broad base of people. Sad for you, that is.
Laura Wright,

No response yet.

What they don't realize is that all they did was make me more determined to be heard.

Sarah Palin - you go, girl!

Ok, how big of a geek am I? I was glued to the Republican National Convention last night...first time in my entire life that I have done that. I didn't want to miss Sarah Palin (Rep VP nominee) in her big first speech. Now, before my husband and parents start freaking out, I do believe that a woman needs to see to her home and children first. But we are also encouraged to be involved in our communities and that includes government. With all the hype we've been hearing, I opted to reserve my judgement until I actually saw Palin and heard what she had to say. Conclusion: I would SO be willing to help out with Palin's kids just so she can go to Washington and kick some butt! Besides having a pregnant daughter (that's just sad. I wish the media would leave her alone)...and being able to field-dress a moose (yikes!)...I identify with this woman and I think she could do a world of good if she was elected! Palin is tough, articulate, intelligent, and a heck of alot nicer to look at and listen to than Hillary. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a conservative hockey(soccer)-mom to have some real national influence, and I just hope she gets the chance.

I have become a political activist!

After years and years of being very opinionated regarding politics and other things of national interest, I have officially stepped into the ring and am about to start throwing Laura-sized punches.

About 8 years ago, 61% of the state of CA voted for marriage to be defined as between man and woman. That meant that same sex marriage was illegal, although gay domestic partners still received all the same rights that married partners get (joint tax filing, legal rights in wills, hospital visitation and decision making in emergencies, etc.) It was a huge victory for those of us interested in protecting the traditional family. 3 months ago, 4 San Francisco based judges decided that this law, that the people voted in, was unconstitutional, and it was abolished. Which now makes it legal to marry a dog, in the state of CA, if you really wanted to...give me a break, the institution of marriage HAS to mean more than this!
In November, there will be a new proposition in response to this miscarriage of justice. Proposition 8 is the same 14 words that CA voters approved before, but this time it's put into our state constitution: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in CA." Vote "yes" on Prop. 8!!!

Why do I feel strongly enough about this that I am going door-to-door to get the word out? Because in the course of my life, both in University (where I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Human Development) and as a mother, I have read literally hundreds of scientific studies that proved that children have the very best chance in life if they live in a two-parent family, with both sexes present. It just makes sense - yin and yang, balancing each other out. I can see society falling apart, and I am certain that the disintegration of the family unit is a very basic part of this.
In addition, it infuriates me that 4 judges can overturn the will of the people. This issue has already been voted on. The voters have already spoken. We shouldn't have to do this again. Do we live in a democracy or not?

If you are not a CA resident, don't think you're off the hook. If our state is voting on this, yours will follow. Please visit ProtectMarriage.com and educate yourself on this issue. And send money!!! I am. Although I didn't live in CA at the time of the previous vote on this issue, I sent money then. It was my way of taking part in this battle to save traditional family values. The other side has been yelling so loudly for a lot of years on this subject. I think it is about time we started being heard. And I want my kids to see me standing for something!