In a singularly underwhelming (and not really surprising) move to pander to LGBT political activists, our President of the United States has designated June as a month to celebrate homosexuality. "In a presidential proclamation on the White House website, Barack Obama has lauded what he calls "the determination and dedication" of the LGBT movement by proclaiming June as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month." The LGBT rights movement has achieved great progress," Obama states in the official proclamation, "but there is more to be done. LGBT youth should feel safe to learn without the fear of harassment, and LGBT families and seniors should be allowed to live their lives with dignity and respect."
read article here He barely noticed National Day of Prayer. It seems that President Obama has forgotten that the majority of the people that elected him are not supportive of the LGBT agenda. Obama does not represent the majority of the citizens of this nation, and his policies will destroy what makes our nation great. Democracy, free trade, less governmental control, more freedom to control your own life. These principles are such a basic part of our nation, and every new policy that is enacted by King Obama brings us closer and closer to the kind of life enjoyed by the subjects of King Henry VIII's England. I fear that the far-reaching consequences of Obama's executive decisions will destroy the America I love. I am very sad.